The University of Navarra and the company 3P Biopharmaceuticals will promote research and talent management in technology and the production of new drugs.
This collaboration agreement aims to reinforce the figure of the pharmacist and other health science professionals as expert scientists, to collaborate with the academic world in developing industrial knowledge and drug manufacturing, and to promote their training.
Agreement signed to promote digital transformation and the training of professionals focused on the pharmaceutical industry.
The University of Navarra and the company 3P Biopharmaceuticals have signed an agreement to promote training and research in technology and the production of new drugs, especially biotechnological ones. This collaboration agreement aims to reinforce the figure of the pharmacist and other health science professionals as expert scientists, to collaborate with the academic world in developing industrial knowledge and drug manufacturing, and to promote their training.
The agreement also aims to maximize the use of new technologies and promote the digital transformation of the pharmaceutical industry. The collaboration between the University of Navarra and 3P Biopharmaceuticals, a leader in the development of processes and manufacturing of biopharmaceutical and cell therapy products, has a clear aim of helping society and will have an interdisciplinary group of experts with complementary specializations and knowledge.
The areas of interest of this agreement address new medicine and advanced therapies in R&D, among others, the development of biological drugs and cell and gene therapy, manufacturing and analytical technology, and dispensing technology, with the goal of manufacturing increasingly safer drugs, with increasingly fewer side effects, or oriented to diseases that, until now, have no cure or with treatments with serious side effects.
Strengthening Navarre’s strategic commitment to health
For the Vice-Rector for Research at the University of Navarra, Iciar Astiasarán, “COVID-19 and the development of several types of vaccines in record time have demonstrated the importance of a solid healthcare system and research and innovation in the world of medicine. We are confident that our agreement with 3P Biopharmaceuticals will enhance Navarra’s strategic commitment to health for all citizens.”
According to the CEO of 3P Biopharmaceuticals, Dámaso Molero, “through this agreement 3P shows its support for creating technical-scientific talent that contributes knowledge to a growing and dynamic sector such as biotechnology. I hope that as a result of this collaboration, we will continue to add value to Navarra and the Spanish biopharmaceutical sector”.
The University of Navarra and 3P Biopharmaceuticals also want to promote biopharmaceutical bachelor’s and master’s degree studies, for which prizes and scholarships will be created. The pharmaceutical company and the academic center will organize activities, courses, seminars, and scientific meetings. The agreement has been signed for a period of five years. The company 3P Biopharmaceuticals undertakes to finance the necessary equipment and materials and to make its facilities available to the academic centre. The University, for its part, will be responsible for disseminating and publishing the results and advances resulting from this collaboration agreement.